Find trip computer

That you are looking for interest in this publication do not complete the reading there is no benefit, the story begins with the feeling that my computer desktop has become a burden and to enter the twenty-first century to move to the laptop, I was embarrassed by its great size, and wire the many needs and most importantly the need to stay in one place to use it, I thought I limited myself from all this and that to enter the world of mobile Valhosph mobile are everywhere, smartphones are computers small, tablet PCs have become a good alternative for computers mobile small, that you have a computer of any kind anywhere you want became a feature people want The computer has become more than just a tool to work is a tool for the entire life for many people it is difficult to link this tool in one place, so I saw the turn of the laptop.
My search for a laptop for me between me most - if not all - computer manufacturers do not give me what I want! My conditions are not impossible because I find everything I want in computers Apple, but I do not want to buy a computer from Apple because of the operating system, other computers are running Windows and this in turn I do not care because I can delete it to install the systems of choice for Linux, and now I think of it for I remember computers, Apple could also running Linux! Anyway, what I want in a laptop are, first is the screen I want screen clear and vibrant colors are bright and so you know what I mean compare screens computers Apple computer screens of other, unfortunately most of the laptops for other companies screens pale I do not like, the second point is the keyboard , I want an appropriate keyboard does not change the places of the buttons does not add a lot of small buttons and that did not find it in many of the computers, either the computer a great adds the number buttons on the right side instead of exploiting the extra space to expand the keyboard, and either the keypad is a small narrow Some buttons have changed their places.
Add to that the quality of manufacture, it is difficult to find a computer a mobile in the same quality of the computers Apple, quality can not describe specific points, it comes through interaction with the device and through the design and the small details, for example, elegant design of the computers Apple is hard to find like Valhawwasab other design has many details of botched or unnecessary, add to the posters you find in on every computer, a poster for the processor and another for the graphics processor and a third of the operating system and the fourth tells you that the computer follows the specifications provide the energy and the fifth to the manufacturer and perhaps find a poster VI mentioned specifications, is this necessary? For me, all this is unnecessary and posters distort the form of a computer.
The quality of computers can be felt when touching and affordable and you press the keys, there is a difference between the plastic cheap used by many companies for packaging its computers and plastic used by Apple Computer MacBook, computers MacBook Pro used aluminum, which makes the computer seem one piece coherent solid, plastic cheap does not give the same confidence.
Then there are programs, it is difficult to find a computer does not come with any additional software, every computer comes with a lot of them and many of them not fit for human consumption, again compared the programs that come with the computer Apple programs that come with other computers, personally I find that programs that Apple computers come with a reason enough to buy it while you add the programs that companies like Sony and Hewlett-Packard, Dell and others make me want to delete them even before they are used, some of these programs is called in English translation of crapware or near-verbatim: waste programs.
In the past, IBM makes computers, phones calls ThinkPad and many people prefer for their high quality with that design is boring if you compare it with other computers, personally I see a design elegant and distinctive piano black and a button is blue, IBM sold the department computers to a Chinese company is Lenovo Fbgest for computers this company because they are still manufactured in the same quality of IBM or so I thought, after research in many of the shops I found nothing but disappointment Vhawwasab new Lenovo have different designs and quality do not differ about the quality of other computers, and the ThinkPad not find that in any place, and maybe if I went to Dubai after a search and I find a question.
Lenovo ThinkPad X200 journey of searching for a computer
It is interesting here that when I asked about Lenovo computers, phones and found some shops selling computers, Lenovo desktop, but it does not come based Windows system even DOS! Yes DOS system does not continue to live with us and I remember that HP sells some of its computers with this system, explain it as I remember that Microsoft requires computer manufacturers to establish a system to run in their computers and prevent them from selling computers without an operating system, is not bound by them running Windows, but any system, so put Some companies DOS system on their computers as a way to tell the customer that he has the freedom to develop any system suits him, that's what I remember I may be wrong here.
After days of searching for a laptop not Buy the thing I regretted the escape clause from the desktop computer, I could keep him he is working faithfully for years and even if the specifications relatively old but it gives me everything I need has been accustomed to use it and it saves me a better keyboard used in my life, a keyboard from Dell simple and does not contain something special, I like because it is unusual and because it is distributed buttons must also be distributed and because they do not contain any additional buttons non-standard, now to get used to use another keyboard and the need for a long time somewhat.
After searching for computers, mobile saw that the next option is the desktop computers of the type of all-in-one again, Apple offers the best option here, other computers from different companies were experiencing the same problems that I mentioned about laptops, monitors faint and add property of touch that I think it is useless beneficial in this type of computers, to extend your hand to touch the screen at once is quite a bit but keep your hand on this situation for a long time a bit and you will feel tired, this is self-evident and there are studies since the seventies of the last century reached the same result but I do not think that the computer companies Day care in such studies.
Add the screens blurry quality of manufacture that do not satisfy me, posters and programs that deserve deletion before use, after all this confirmed that the best option to me is the old desktop computer, I had to settle for it.
One last point before I conclude, shops computer in our country can be classified to two types, first is the shops small computer does not provide good service and sell the goods can be found in dozens of shops similar, the second type is the Goods Electronics, which sells everything including computers, a personal dream shop specializes in the computer but it provides good service and respect the customers, I am surprised the fact of dealing sellers with me Some of them were treating me as if ignorant of computers, and some were insisting that I want this or that and I repeat it because I do not want him, but I want something else, I see that there is a chance for the success of shop specializes in computer, provided that distinguishes itself excellent service and respect for customers and provide high-quality goods are not available in other stores.