How many GB RAM you really need in the laptop?

At first, what is RAM?
RAM is temporary memory that stores files and applications that are open and are working on. All this increased the cache memory all that he can open and run more programs and applications at the same time, for example, "Fotoshb + Browser + IM + audio file + Word file." If the RAM is filled and reached a maximum for the device becomes heavy and slow to respond.
How RAM is measured?
Measurement of the common RAM in the computer is GB GB
How much RAM do I need in Lab Toby?
Use varies from person to person, but can be broken down as follows:
1 - If you own a Nitbook small "small devices with the 11 and the 10-inch and less" P RAM 1 GB is enough and the reason that these small devices originally designed for browsing and simple use so you will not need more than 1 GB.
2 - If you own a laptop and your use is usually browsing, video, photos, text files and Messenger and a bit of Alfotoshb Games P Ram 2 GB is enough, and noted that the Ram 2 GB usually sufficient even for applications large that you are operated on their own without the programs and other applications in the same time, and 2 GB RAM is appropriate for most users.
3 - if you have laptop and you Bashngal several programs and applications at the same time heavy, such as graphics and video editing or games are running heavy Wolfram from 3 to 4 GB is enough.
Note: Operating systems always provide methods and tools to know your consumption of Ram, one of these methods is a tool found in the operating system, Windows Vista and Windows 7 via the Gadgets, you can run this application to see how much your consumption of RAM do you need RAM more or not. You can always download third-party tools and sites of other companies calculate RAM client for any operating system and a variety of ways.
Measure of the processor and RAM

Measure of the processor and RAM in the operating system
Can I increase the RAM after the purchase of laptop?
Yes, you can do it, you can buy laptop RAM from the market and dismantling of a small portion of the bottom of the laptop and increase or replace the RAM, but there are several factors that should be taken into account, such as the type of RAM "DDR2 or DDR3" in addition to the operating system.
What is the maximum I can link it in RAM?
It depends on the operating system in the laptop:
- If your operating system is 32bit The maximum limit you can reach him is 4GB, and this includes the memory card screen, meaning if you have RAM 4 GB and RAM graphics card 1 GB "Total of 5 GB" system of operation will get 3 GB +1 GB of graphics card and will not use the 5 GB as a whole.
- The 64bit systems of up to 8 GB to 192 GB, "depending on the system and version", so you should take this into account when increasing or changing the RAM you have.