Buy a laptop, detailed tips, specifications, features, types

Many users buy devices laptop without any knowledge in the specifications or features or species or their decision on what they build, we will try in this article clear and simplified to help you determine your options and what are the specifications and characteristics of laptop you want and what the meaning of these specifications the user daily.
1 - Processor:
The importance of the laptop processor article has allocated a clear and detailed at this link:
Best laptop processor 2009 and the most appropriate for you How to Buy
2 - RAM "memory":
Ram laptop is an important part to improve the performance of the device, see this article:
How many GB RAM you really need in the laptop? Answer to the buyer. Com
3 - Alhardisek "hard drive":
Size, type and speed are all things and Dhanaha in this article:
Hardisek laptop, what you care about when buying a new device
4 - screen card:
Integrated or separate? Memory type and other information on:
Laptop graphics card, all you care to know when buying a new device
5 - Screen:
Top screen father is a wide range, so we have dedicated a detailed article to help you buy the screen for you in terms of size and type and size and accuracy, the article on this link:
Best laptop screen for your use, size, type, precision
6 - additions and ports:
Accessories and extra features of the important things that you will use on a daily basis, our class ports and additions to the following link:
The most important ports and additions laptop
7 - Battery:
What are the factors to be considered in the battery and how to preserve and prolong life after the purchase at the following link:
Laptop battery, all you need to know when buying and maintaining
8 - laptop bag:
After the purchase you need a bag to carry laptop with you on the move, find some tips on:
Buy a laptop bag, tips and information
9 - important steps after the purchase:
The most important steps that must work after the purchase at this link:
10 Steps significant after buying a new laptop
10 - D after purchase:
What if you want to modernize and develop the laptop after a year or two of use?
What are the pieces that you can change the internal in the laptop after purchase
11 - Enterprises:
There are many prominent companies, laptop, some of these companies located in the Arab States:
- Laptops Toshiba "Toshiba Laptop" Read our report on Toshiba Laptops Tobat on this link:
Toshiba Laptops, models and types of 2009 and how to choose the best
- Laptops Dell "Dell Laptop" Read our report on Dell Laptops Tobat on this link:
Dell Laptops, models and types of 2009 and how to choose the best
- Laptops HP "HP Laptop" produce a second production line on behalf of Compaq "Compaq", read our report on Lab Tobat HP on this link:
Laptop HP, models and types of 2009 and how to choose the best
- Laptops Sony "Sony Laptop" Read our report for Lab Tobat Sony on this link:
Laptop Sony VAIO, models and types of 2009 and how to choose the best
- Laptops Acer "Acer Laptop" Read our report for Acer Laptop Tobat on this link:
Acer Laptops, models and types of 2009 and how to choose the best
- Laptops MSI "MSI Laptop" Read our report for Lab Tobat or ESI on this link:
Laptop MSI, models and types of 2009 and How to Buy the best
- Laptops Samsung "Samsung Laptop" Read our report for Lab Tobat Samsung on this link:
Laptop Samsung, models and types of 2009 and How to Buy the best
- Laptops ASUS "Asus Laptop"
- Laptops Packard Bell "Packard Bell Laptop"
- Laptops Siemens "Siemens Laptop"
- Laptops LG "LG Laptop"
- Laptops IBM "IBM Laptop"