Laptop Sony VAIO, models, types and how best to buy
Sony launches the production line laptop has a "Vaio Vaio" and offers many of the chains, namely:
Suitable for: diversity of specifications and broker price makes the series suitable for most users.
The most important feature: a variety of specifications and prices are reasonable.
Suitable for: those who wish to top Advanced ivy did not find what he wants in the previous chains.
The most important feature: an integrated multimedia laptop.
Suitable for: anyone who is looking for a laptop Sony 13-inch high-performance.
The most important feature: a small size with advanced specifications.
Suitable for: anyone who is looking for a laptop with a Sony 13-inch high performance, but the Z series finds more than he needs to or higher than its budget.
The most important feature: a small size with high performance.
sony"VAIO Y"
Suitable for: those who wish ivy Top light and slim and longer battery life does not care much processor power.
The most important feature: slim and lightweight.
sony "VAIO X"
Suitable for: those who want a small device with a slim design and premium materials.
The most important feature: the size of a small, lightweight and luxurious materials.
sony "VAIO P"
Suitable for: those who wish to Bnitbook the highest standards of luxurious materials, or did not find what he wants in the previous category.
The most important feature: Nitbook developer.
Sony Vaio W"VAIO W"
Suitable for: those who wish to surf the web and use light lightly and quickly on the move.
The most important feature: its small size and low price.
Sony Vaio P"VAIO P"
Suitable for: those who wish to Bnitbook the highest standards of luxurious materials, or did not find what he wants in the previous category.
The most important feature: Nitbook developer.
After that I knew what the series is right for you must know how to choose the appropriate model from the same series, as per the series contains many of the various models. The best way to choose is to understand the specifications and see if you need or not. You can do this in order to look at: