Five questions you should ask yourself when buying a laptop

It is important to determine your direction when you want to buy laptop. Enter directly into the search process without specifying some things will make the search long and difficult. In this article we'll show you five questions you should ask yourself before you buy, the answer to these questions will help you to choose.
1 - how much my budget?
Our advice is always first and always when you want to buy any device is to determine the budget or field price. Engage in the search for a laptop without specifying a price limit would be a disorganized and difficult. There are dozens of companies, and hundreds of models, options and specifications. So he had scheduled a ceiling, when you search, if you find a price higher than your own, do not waste your time to study it and look for the specifications, but look for what in Vitk price. It also works upside down, meaning that if your budget is good, there is no need to waste your time in the hardware cost is very low, but the look in your field price.
2 - Is this the main two?
This question is very important and determines a lot of search options you have. For example, if this really is your main specifications must be relatively high, the screen be large so that not less than 13 and 15 of the best that you will use on a permanent basis. But if a side or an additional use in some cases, for example at the university or when you get out here and there, here you have some freedom, for example, you can take a small screen, and you can not focus much on the specifications because it is not your main, but additional device for certain uses. So you should answer this question.
3 - Do you often Satnql device?
Having set the budget and whether that your main or not, you should ask yourself, Will I travel frequently to the device? The truth is that most users use the laptop at home or at work and be in an office or fixed place. In this case you have the freedom to scale, size, weight. But if you actually move the device a lot and always carry it here and there, you should take the weight, dimensions, and size in mind. You should consider the battery life expectancy.
4 - Do I need a laptop or Nitbook?
Not a requirement that you need for the laptop, a small Nitbook may be enough for you. Alnitbook devices are small devices with the 10-inch and less comes specifications are simple and low cost. These devices are ideal for browsing and e-mail and edit the text and watch the video light and so on. It is suitable for students and travelers who need a extra light. But do not forget the important point is that the devices Alnitbook unsuitable to be a principal, a small Screens and specifications are inadequate for use as a key. Therefore, studying Alnitbook option if you want a light and easy to carry as a extra.
5 - Mmoasfat that I want?
Now that set the general direction of search in terms of budget, size, category, you specify the details and compare the specifications such as processor, RAM, screen, hard drive, graphics card, ports, and so on. All that we have mentioned and more Vsalnah in dozens of articles in the Tips section on the laptop buyer. Com