How do you clear your information before a final sale or laptop computer, formic just not enough

Unfortunately, we always leak information and personal files on the Internet, of the reasons is that many sell Lab repentance or his computer and then retrieve the information using some free software retrieve deleted files and Mufrmth. The reason is that formic does not actually delete the information, but hides it and put it aside.
To delete the information correctly you need to work hard reset on the so-called "filling the disk with zeroes." Doing so clears the information is complete and put zeros location and restore the disk to put like new.
Doing so ensures almost impossible to retrieve information from the disk was used regardless of the recovery programs. Some say that the forensic experts may be able to recover data even after zeroing in complex ways, but of course this does not matter a normal user, you're not worried about the forensics experts, but the concern of the person who will buy your computer and what you can do.
How do you Baltsfir?
Do the following:
1 - Make a copy or back-up or pull files that interest you, this step is necessary, where after zeroing can not restore the data.
2 - unplug your hard drive, and install it in an external or an extra in another computer, where you can not zeroing the disk and you are using. Removing the Hard Drive may not be easy for some users, so ask for help if any difficulty in dealing with this point "can be reset without disk humorous, but it requires dealing with the DOS, which is more complicated."
3 - Install the program on the computer last reset, see the following point for zeroing programs.
4 - Follow the steps of the program and your hard Ptsfir original.
5 - The next step is optional, if you want you can re-yellowish disk of a computer or laptop, and then re-install the operating system that you do not want to sell the device without an operating system.
Software reset
There are a number of free programs that do the job, and manufacturing companies drive itself launches free tools do the job. To facilitate the task you have chosen these two programs as an example:
Active @ KillDisk
The program Ptsfir hard drives in addition to the Flash Memory and Memory and so on. The program provides free and paid version, do the job free. Link the program
WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostic
Program from Western Digital. The program offers several functions, including zeroing. No direct link to the program since version may vary based on the model of your hard drive from the company. Therefore, enter on this link, and search for Modjelk.
Other Information
1 - zeroing process is long and takes a long time sometimes up to more than 4 hours based on the storage capacity of the disk.
2 - If you want to ensure the safe and more, do Baltsfir two or three.