Intel adds new processors series Core i for the laptop. Minor updates to speed

Intel introduced the new generation of processors Core i for the laptop at the beginning of 2010, and now we got the first update of the series. Modernization is not a radical nor a large, but just a simple lift in speed, while the evidence and the standards and everything else stays the same.

New processors:

Intel Core i5-560M

Speed​​: 2.66GHz
More than even: 3.2GHz
Number of cores: 2
Power: 35W
L3 Cache: 3MB

Intel Core i5-580M

Speed​​: 2.66GHz
More than even: 3.33GHz
Number of cores: 2
Power: 35W
L3 Cache: 3MB

Previous therapists will be replaced gradually the current processor i5-540M, which works quickly 2.53GHz, so as you can see, there is a big difference.

Intel Core i7-640M

Speed​​: 2.8GHz
More than even: 3.4GHz
Number of cores: 2
Power: 35W
L3 Cache: 4MB

The i7-640M is an update of the current model i7-620M, which works quickly 2.66GHz

Third previous processors are the most interested in the update, then you will find several other processors within the scope of a variety of processors is low or medium power, the i5-560UM, i7-680UM, i7-660LM


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