Temperature laptop, how to protect laptop from the heat and prolong the age
There is hardly a user laptop, but complained or suffered from a high temperature of the device. Laptops today have become thin and small with the specifications and high speeds, so the heat is the result of the inevitable. Question here is how to reduce the temperature and damage. This is what Snaguibk in the buyer. Com.
There are three major sources of heat laptop. The first source is the processor, the highest heat-piece version. The second source is the graphics card, has issued more heat from the processor, especially if advanced graphics card. The third source is Alhardisek. After that you will find the rest of the ingredients and heat are also produced, but not significantly, such as the three sources.
Errors and solutions:
Side vents (directed by air)
Side vents interest is directed by hot air from inside the device. Output air slots are usually in the back or sides. Of the mistakes that many users are holes to fill this error, for example, is developing a book or paper or Hardisek or any other object in front of or very little like the air vents. Another common error is that when you use a laptop on the bed, the blanket is usually tortuous and deep, which block the ventilation holes. Pay attention to this point and always make sure that there is no impediment to the ventilation holes.
Lower vents (air entry)
All laptops have slots lower, the usefulness of these openings is to enter the air and cool the internal components. For this reason, notes the increasing temperature when the laptop to put on your lap because you are blocking the bottom vents. So try to avoid coverage, although I prefer to use the laptop on your lap always use the base ventilation and that you are installing the laptop and lift it a little so you do not block the ventilation holes.
Base ventilation and Almruah
And ventilation fans that base has spread significantly, and in fact is useful. They are carrying out several tasks, including heat and pull out, another task is to push the cold air to the laptop. A third benefit is to raise the laptop, which ensures that all air vents open fully and without hindrance. So if you are suffering from the heat, rule useful, but do not forget that there are hundreds of shapes and types, and not all like the other type, so you need to research and check here.
Avoid prolonged operation
Without a doubt, make the laptop works throughout the day will increase the temperature of the device. So when you do not always use the laptop away from him or do or Deactivate loudspeaker to make it in sleep mode, and this step extends the life of laptop in general as well as to reduce the heat.
Measuring the heat
Be applied before any steps to reduce the heat may be good work of some tests. Take the temperature and compare it now after these steps, for example, after purchasing the base ventilation. A large number of programs and applications that measure temperature, and to facilitate the task you have chosen a light and free programs that measure several components including the processor and graphics card and Alhardisek.
For the temperature is acceptable when it is different, every laptop is different from the other in terms of specifications, it can not determine the degree of heat are ideal for all laptops. But there is a safe range or average, how long you find this? Search for the Model Lab Topk or health care provider. Look for example, the average temperature of the processor or Doe, or Doe leave the screen, you'll find several numbers by users and manufacturers sometimes helps to know your situation and your site.